MCA Legal Notice

Trademark Information

The Ms. Corporate America™ Competition is owned by Anissa King and the Ms. Corporate America Organization and is not affiliated with any other competition, contest, or event unless otherwise stated. No other person or entity can nor shall use the words, name, title Miss/Ms./Mrs. Corporate America™, nor add any words after Miss/Ms./Mrs. Corporate America™ or separate with a local, regional, state, province or county between the words Miss/Ms./Mrs. Corporate and America. Unauthorized use of any copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights for any other purpose is a direct violation of Anissa King and the Ms. Corporate America™ Competition.

Unauthorized use of the mark Miss/Ms./Mrs. Corporate America™ or deceptively similar marks is a violation of the Ms. Corporate America Organization’s intellectual property rights and will result in legal action.

Copyright Information

This site contains material which is derived in whole or in part from material supplied by Ms. Corporate America Competition, and other sources, unless otherwise stated all intellectual property rights and copyrights in all presented materials are protected by international copyright and trademark laws. No material (including but not limited to the text, graphical images, audio and/ or video) and no software (including but not limited to any images or files incorporated in or generated by the software or data accompanying such software) individually and collectively). Trademarks and logos appearing on this site as well as the previous stated “Materials” are the sole property of the Ms. Corporate America Organization and are protected under applicable laws. “Materials” on this site may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in anyway, without the prior express written consent of the Ms. Corporate America Competition.

For more information, please contact:

Ms. Corporate America Organization

6000 Metro West Blvd., Suite 200

Orlando, FL 32835

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 855-MCA-CROWN (855-622-2769)

Corporate Mailing Address

938 Swan Creek Road, Ft Washington, MD. 20744

Corporate Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm

Corporate Phone

Corporate E-mail

© 2024 All Rights Reserved MCA "Ms. Corporate America Organization, LLC".